Fixing the Backbone One - Unresponsive Left Side Buttons

Fixing the Backbone One - Unresponsive Left Side Buttons

A while back I received a Backbone One as a gift. It has worked very well for playing my PS5 remotely but recently I noticed some of the buttons stopped working on the left side. In the end the L1, thumbstick, and directional buttons were not working. I searched online and found a lot of complaints about this happening and only one repair guide by user 704Xa on YouTube. The repair seemed easy enough so I decided to spend ~$15, give it a shot, and provide some pictures of the process. I used the following items for the repair. The process was quick and only took me about 15 minutes.

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Remove the LED from a Honeywell Air Purifier in Minutes

Remove the LED from a Honeywell Air Purifier in Minutes

A few years back I ordered a Honeywell 50150-N Round Air Purifier for the bedroom. The white noise it generates helps with sleep but the bright blue LED that lights up half of the bedroom does not. I’ve used a sock or something to cover the LED every night but the air flow sometimes blows it off. If I had known how easy it was to remove the LED I would have done it right when I received it. I don’t know how relevant this information is to anyone else, as this filter is a few years old, but I thought I’d post the quick few steps to get rid of the annoying blue light.

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Weber Grill Pizza Oven Conversion - Homemade KettlePizza

Weber Grill Pizza Oven Conversion - Homemade KettlePizza

     I've always wanted to build an outdoor pizza oven. The problem is, it takes up quite a bit of space and the cost is pretty high. I recently stumbled on the KettlePizza Pro. It essentially turns any kettle style grill into a pizza oven. The price tag was also pretty high so I figured I'd try to build one of my own. I was able to create a pizza oven attachment for roughly $50. It easily got up to temperatures nearing 700F.

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